Thursday, 14 March 2013

Volunteer In Kenya and Know All about Its Culture

Volunteering can be an enriching experience, with new countries to visit and real people to deal with. Kenya is located in Eastern Africa bestride Indian Ocean between Somalia and Tanzania. The country belongs to mixed race and volunteering here can be challenging and interesting. Another exciting feature in Kenyan Geography is Great Rift Valley, and the wide steep canyon that cuts through the highlands. It is the most popular Africa’s Safari destination. The chance of volunteer in Kenya will open up the door of nature and a unique culture of the world where the warmth of people’s hearth will provide you with a Midas touch and change you forever.

Education system is little above average and volunteers from English speaking countries can help children and young people move ahead in life. Exams play the key role to student’s fate.

Kikuyu and Kiswahili are the regional languages, and English is rarely used outside class time. English is being used in ad ministerial and business activities. Special places to visit in Kenya include Masaimara, largest wildlife sanctuary in Kenya, Mount Kenya, and the city of Lamu. So if, you are deciding to be a part of a volunteering program make sure you get ample opportunity to visit places that characterize the country.